Religious Education (CCD) begins September 15, 2024.
First CCD session for all students will be held on Sunday, Sept. 15 at 9:30am in the Hall.
Students from K-8 will meet on Sundays, from 9:30 am – 10:30 am in the Parish Hall unless otherwise scheduled.
Registration fee is $50, $100 max per family. Forms are available in the church vestibule, parish website and in the office.
If your child is age-appropriate for First Communion or Confirmation, and you wish to have the sacrament administered here at St. Francis Xavier, please note that there are special events and class sessions for these students, whether the student attends public school, FAW, KCA, or is homeschooled.
If you have an unbaptized child who is of an age to receive First Communion, speak with Father about RCIC, a program for children.